What is The Hollow Earth Hypothesis???

Recently, I watched the 2021 released movie “Godzilla vs Kong”, and being a huge fan of the MonsterVerse, I was very much delighted to watch it. One particular part of this movie showed that Kong, the giant ape travelling to a different world within Earth which was filled with monsters like him, referred in the movies as “Titans”. This concept is nothing new as previously, a similar concept of an inner Earth was shown in a movie “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, based on the novel by Jules Verne. It is one of my absolute favorites.

So, this concept of an inner world beneath the surface of the Earth seemed very interesting to me and I was very curious to know about it. So I went to Google to check if there has been any such findings about a world within our world. Guess what I found!!!

It is obvious, that if there was such a thing indeed, it would not be made publicly available as we humans might exploit that and perhaps construct an amusement park there for the whole world to visit. Jokes apart, there is no such place within the Earth’s core, which has been directly revealed, but there are many references of such a world in ancient mythologies and scriptures. There also might be an entrance to the Inner Earth of which great NASA might be aware of, and is constantly hiding the location from the rest of the world.

All of this and much more we will come to know regarding the concept called “The Hollow Earth Hypothesis”.

Centre of the Earth (as shown in the movie “Journey to the Centre of the Earth”)

Mythical References:

Myths are as old as humanity itself, so are the myths of beings that inhabit the depths of the Earth. In contrast to the angels of heaven, tradition generally sent demons underground. The idea of a Hollow Earth mostly came from the ancient mythologies. where the existence of a world within the Earth came up in folklores and legends. Today, we use the term “Hell”, which is nothing but a dark place filled with the souls of the dead. Such references are found in many religion, only the term being different.

Ancient Greeks: The Greeks believed that there were caverns under the surface which were entrances to the “Underworld”. Few such caverns are at Tainaron in Laconia, at Troezen in Argolis, at Ephya in Thesprotia, at Herakleia in Pontos, and in Ermioni. It is also believed that there are caverns occupied by an ancient god called Zalmoxis. In Mesopotamian religion there is a story of a man who, after traveling through the darkness of a tunnel in the mountain of “Mashu”, entered a subterranean garden.

Celtic mythology: In Ireland, there is a legend of a cave called “Cruachan”, also called the “Gates of Hell”. According to the legends, mystical creatures would emerge from the cave and be seen on Earth. There are also stories of medieval knights and saints, who went for pilgrimage to a cave in Station Island, where they made journeys to the Earth’s core. In Northern Ireland myth, a group of people who introduced Druidism to Irish, went underground after doing their part.

Hindu mythology: In Hindu myths also, there is a reference of a place called “Patala”, where as per Hindu epic Ramayana, brothers Rama and Lakshmana were taken by a demon Ahiravan, who was the brother of Ravana. Later, both brothers were rescued by the monkey king, Lord Hanuman. The Angami Naga tribes of India claims that their ancestors emerged from a subterranean land inside Earth.

Native American mythology: It is said that the ancestors of the Mandan people in ancient times emerged from a subterranean land through a cave at the north side of the Missouri River. There is also a tale about a tunnel in the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona near Cedar Creek which is said to lead inside the Earth to a land inhabited by a mysterious tribe. 

An artist imagination of the kingdom of Shambhala

Modern References:

Enough with the mythologies, you must be wondering what does science have to say regarding the idea of the Hollow Earth.

Edmund Halley (1656 – 1742), the English scientist who studied the comet that bears his name, may have been the first to develop a scientific hypothesis about the Hollow Earth. After a series of observations of the Earth’s magnetic field, Halley concluded that the anomalies observed could only be explained if the Earth was composed of two spheres: an external solid one and an internal hollow one, each with its own magnetic axis.

In 1818, John Cleves Symmes. Jr suggested that the Earth consisted of a hollow shell about 1,300 km (810 mi) thick, with openings about 2,300 km (1,400 mi) across at both poles with 4 inner shells each open at the poles. He also proposed an expedition to the hole in North Pole.

Jeremiah Reynolds, an American newspaper editor, lecturer, explorer and author who became an influential advocate for scientific expeditions, also echoed Symmes and argued for an expedition. Reynolds himself went on to an expedition to the South Pole, but missed the Great U.S. Exploring Expedition in 1838-1842 which was the result of his insist.

In 1864, Jules Verne, the famous author published his book, “Journey to the Centre of the Earth”, in which he describes of a hollow Earth containing two rotating binary stars, named Pluto and Proserpine. The movie was later released of the same title, which showed an inner Earth deemed with prehistoric life.

The spiritualist writer Walburga, Lady Paget in her book Colloquies with an unseen friend (1907) was an early writer to mention the hollow Earth hypothesis. She claimed that cities exist beneath a desert, which is where the people of Atlantis moved. She said an entrance to the subterranean kingdom will be discovered in the 21st century.

Richard Byrd and the Entrance to the Hollow Earth:

It would be inappropriate if Admiral Richard Byrd’s name is not mentioned in this discussion of Hollow Earth. Admiral Richard Byrd was a recipient of the Medal of Honor, the most prestigious medal given in the United States. He was an expert aviator, polar explorer and polar logistics expert. He claimed to be the first person who crossed both North Pole and South Pole by air.

Admiral Richard Byrd

As part of Operator Highjump, Byrd was sent to Antarctica in 1947, to establish an American training and research facility in the South Pole. It is said, that during this time, Byrd encountered with a lost civilization, that has been living underground in the South Pole. In his journal, Byrd has clearly mentioned of this encounter and also he has mentioned how the Government had zipped his mouth to suppress the truth. Here is the journal entry (Source: Medium.com)

March 11, 1947

“I have just attended a Staff Meeting at the Pentagon. I have stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours (six hours, thirty- nine minutes, to be exact.) I am interviewed intently by Top Security Forces and a Medical Team. It was an ordeal!!!! I am placed under strict control via the National Security provisions of this United States of America. I am ORDERED TO REMAIN SILENT IN REGARD TO ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNED, ON THE BEHALF OF HUMANITY!!! Incredible! I am reminded that I am a Military Man and I must obey orders.”

Richard Byrd
Richard Byrd’s first flight video over North Pole, 1926

Why was the Government so afraid to release this in public? Whether this is another hoax or the truth, we might never know as this information will not be seeing the daylight. But I would love to fantasize the fact that Richard Byrd found the entrance to the Hollow Earth.

As per Medium writer Alexandria Ducksworth, Richard Byrd met the “Master” of the great underground city of Agartha (also called Agarthi or Agarta or Shambala). The master had expressed his concern regarding the tension happening above the Earth’s crust especially after the atomic bomb dropping in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Master had even told that they have never interfered so far with the inhumanity and ruthlessness of the humans above. But now, they need to come out as Man have discovered a power beyond his imagination – the atomic energy, which will not only jeopardize human race but also this lost civilization below the Antarctic.

An illustration of the location of Agartha

This indeed proves that the government was far aware of such a kingdom long before Byrd discovered. Even, the Master had told that there are many passages to their city which could take a person to Agartha. He told that there are entry points to Agartha in Tibet, beneath the Great Pyramid of Giza and even the North Pole.

Watch the following video to know about Richard Byrd’s statement to the Government after the return from his expedition.

Is NASA hiding something??

It is obvious, a great organization like NASA who has eyes and ears throughout the world, might also be aware if there is any existence of a path which could take us to the inner Earth.

In 2016, a YouTube channel secureteam10 revealed a video in which it is seen that NASA is trying to hide something at the North Pole. When the image was more zoomed, it seemed like a massive entrance hole to the inner Earth. Secureteam10 host quotes, “NASA and the world’s governments are trying to… completely hide the fact that there is something at our North and South Poles. And what they are hiding appears to be a massive entrance, or hole, to the inner Earth.”

ESSA images – 1967

In this 13 minute video, the host repeatedly shows NASA released photos of the Earth where a massive hole like structure is seen in the North Pole. This area of the land seemed to have no vegetation, just a stretch of nothingness, like an empty void. Now, if there is nothing indeed, why is NASA so desperate to hide it from us?

Many other footages are also shown from different decades wherein, this giant hole is found to be existing in the North Pole. The Government surely knows something about this place, more because, no aircrafts are allowed to fly over a certain area of land near the Poles. It seems strange, that the paths taken by American aircrafts seems to avoid a certain part of the Pole which forms a shape of a circle. Why aircrafts would go around a certain portion instead of going straight on their path???

Here is a link to the YouTube video by secureteam10:

How does Inner Earth look???

Among most believers, the inside of the Hollow Earth is a lush tropical paradise that very likely houses an advanced race of humans/aliens/giants. In most scenarios, the inhabitants are the descendants of ancient races such as the Lemurians or, as in Rodney Cluff’s view, the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, guided there through the North polar opening by God himself. No matter where they come from, they are generally characterized as peace-loving, and advanced far beyond our own. “They have flying saucer technology. They live lives of perfect health for hundreds of years. Their science is much more advanced because they live much longer lives,” says Cluff.

The perfect climate believed to exist in the Hollow Earth is said to produce animals and people that are larger and far more healthy than those on the surface. “It has a perfect temperature. God made the inner sun so that it provides heat, during the night, and a little bit less at night….Trees grow up to a thousand feet tall. Humans even grow up to 15 feet tall,” Cluff told us. “Because of the ideal conditions, animal life grows really large also.” 

One of the theories made by some Arctic explorers say that air and water temperatures warmed as they approached the North Pole. Based on these and other observations, they also claimed that mammoths were not extinct, but still inhabiting the interior of the Earth.


We don’t know whether this is a truth or just a fiction based on centuries of imagination. But most scientists and explorers are on the process of discovering a new world, a new Earth where civilization can thrive in the near future. Now, what will happen if such a world is found within our world?? What will be the impact of the findings in historic as well as futuristic value??

If for once we think Shambhala is not real or there is no place called Agartha or even Richard Byrd was giving false statements about seeing a lost civilization in the Poles, why are Tibetan scholars teaching about the inner World for thousands of years? Besides teaching, they even have claimed that the master of this so called underground civilization is in constant contact with Dalai Lama, who is their representative for the outside world.

But then again, why is it not possible to have a land beneath our feet when we can have a land called Heaven above our heads??? The Hollow Earth theory will likely continue. Until humans can actually peer into the Earth’s core, who can say that it’s not filled with Germans or aliens or a very small sun.

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